We are Greg and Cambie Wilson. We have two children, Micah and Tiffany. Greg was born and raised in Orlando, FL. Cambie was born in Colombia, South America and lived there until she was 16. Her parents and grandparents served with New Tribes Mission.

In 2005, with a shared passion for youth and for sports, God brought us together. It became evident to us that God had placed a call on our lives to build His kingdom through the means of sports.

After years of working in youth ministry and sports ministry in the States and making short term mission trips overseas, God brought us to SIM and Sports Friends. We found that the vision God had given us was identical to Sports Friends’ vision for reaching the youth of Kenya.


Ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ through sports. That’s right! We use sports as a bridge between the church and young people: those who have never heard the name of Jesus, and those who do not understand their desperate need to allow Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.

The next step is discipling these youth. This is a key component of our ministry. The Lord Jesus told us to “make disciples,” not converts. We aim to give the churches we work with the tools necessary to make discipleship a focal point of their sports ministries.

Another key aspect of our ministry is church planting. There are many regions in East Africa that are hostile to the Gospel. So, how is a church planter to engage a people group that is not interested in hearing about Jesus? Build a relationship with them! And sports is an amazing tool for doing this.

Sports is a common ground area. Participants don’t need to have a common belief system, or come from the same tribe, or have a certain education, or even speak the same language. Sports breaks down those barriers and bridges the gaps.

To be more specific as to what we do, we are primarily focused on training church leaders to use sports in their churches as a way to reach their communities with the Gospel. We provide the initial training and follow-up trainings that are needed to be a successful coach and a discipler of the youth that are a part of their teams.

Learn more here.


One of the biggest opportunities for the church in Kenya is the discipleship of new believers. Kenya is well situated to have an enormous impact for Christ in Africa. With over half of the population under the age of 18, reaching youth is critical to seeing this accomplished. As we use sports to engage youth in evangelism and discipleship, we look forward to watching God transform lives and communities for His glory.


When on the field, we live in Nairobi, Kenya, but our ministry happens throughout the country of Kenya and will soon be expanding into surrounding countries.


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Sports Friends Kenya
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