A Coach’s Testimony – Georges

A Coach’s Testimony – Georges

We have been privileged to train and disciple Coach Georges as a part of our ministry with Sports Friends. Georges has implemented the training he received through Sports Friends. He understands the impact of sports in a young person’s life and how to use sports to further the Kingdom of God. The Lord is using him in a mighty way to bring many young people to saving faith in Jesus Christ. He has an awesome ministry vision and we look forward to continuing to disciple him and help him find the Lord’s direction for his life. – Greg and Cambie

Here is his testimony.


I received the Lord Jesus Christ as a teenager on February the 12, 2009. I was witnessed to and led to Christ by Pastor James Irungu who shared with me the word of God. I continued to grow in Christ by attending Bible study fellowship and discipleship class in the evenings.

Having had the passion for sports and being an active soccer player since I was young, I was signed by Vihiga United (soccer club) situated in Western Kenya.

My period at the club was full of ups, downs, and frustrations which eventually led to my contract being terminated. I was at the lowest point in my life. What was then my greatest step in my career as a [soccer player] had just turned into a nightmare. My dream was always to make it to the top level of the [soccer] world and become a professional player as well as play in Europe.


I came back to Nairobi and joined my church where I continued to serve the Lord. I went on to be chosen as the Discipleship teacher and eventually become the Youth leader. The desire to study the Word of God began to grow in me. After consultations and advice from my pastor to join a Bible college the Lord opened the door for me and I enrolled with a scholarship at the Nairobi Baptist Bible College in 2015 September. While at the college, through the power of the Holy Spirit in me, I heard the Lord begin to speak to me about witnessing (Acts 1:8) using sports to reach out with the gospel to fellow youths and teenagers with the Word of God. Having seen the impact that sports has in the world I began to see the need to go; for the harvest is plenty (Matthew 9:37-38) Also, I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then said I, here am I send me” (Isaiah 6:8)

I obeyed and put into practice God’s call; sports ministry began in November 2015. We praise the Lord for over the years the team has seen a tremendous growth from my first group of 6 to our current number of 78. We call our sports ministry, Disciples Sports Ministries. This name was inspired by the call of God to go and make disciples in Matthew 28:19-20. The vision of what I am doing can be summarized into three main objectives:

  • Preaching the word of God and winning People to Christ. (Mark 16:15)
  • Discipling them through Bible Study classes. Matthew 28:20
  • Incorporating them into the church.

The Lord has been faithful to us despite the challenges we are facing, for we have been forced to shift time after time due to lack of a permanent field to do our sports evangelism program. Our training grounds have been encroached by residential buildings on the privately owned plots of land we train on. Scarcity of sporting equipment has been a great problem as well as lack of enough Discipleship materials: Bibles, tracts, etc. I praise God that 42 out of the seventy eight children in our ministry attend Sunday school and Bible study lessons in our church. 

I look forward to graduating (college) in December and also getting ordained. My long term vision and goal is to go into a full time ministry as a sports missionary by working closely with churches in Kenya and beyond by establishing sports evangelism centers in every Bible believing local church as well as mentoring and equipping leaders who will help spearhead and carry on this vision to the future until Jesus Christ returns. 

Just like William Carey, I want to attempt great things for Christ and expect a great harvest from Christ. “But how will they call on him in whom they have not believed, and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14-15

Coach Georges

Watch a video from coach Georges as he speaks about his sports ministry.

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